This section is a monthly summary of each seminar with links and downloads. Each month you'll find a summary of what will be covered about two weeks in advance. It will remain posted for reference following the seminar. It is available for the exclusive use of those registered for the seminar.
2019-20 Leaders Manage Anxiety Seminar Summaries
June 4, 2020 (Zoom Meeting)
Managing Your Anxiety During a Pandemic
Think: What do you wish to share with the group during Check-In. You'll have about 15 minutes. What have you been thinking about for the past month? How has family systems thinking influenced your relationships?
Learn: The Edwin Friedman Model of Family Systems Thinking.
- Got COVID-19 Anxiety? It's time to start playing the long game.
- Don't Let COVID-19 Anxiety erase the Best Version of Yourself.
- A helpful chart? Individual Reactions in Anxious Systems
- Making Decisions in the Midst of an Emotionally Aroused Social Environment
- Preparing a Case Presentation (doc or pdf) ahead of time.
- Planning an individual Family of Origin session for Thursday afternoon with Tim
- What are your summer Family Systems work goals?
Schedule for the Day:
- Check-In
- Review: What's Covid-19 Anxiety?
- Questions?
- Discuss: Covid-19 Anxiety in Self
- Case Presentation?
- Wrap-Up ~12:30 p.m.
- Family of Origin Presentations will be done one on one via zoom. Please schedule yours ahead of time.
May 7, 2020 (Zoom Meeting)
Topic: Family Projection Process
Think: What do you wish to share with the group during Check-In. You'll have about 15 minutes. What have you been thinking about for the past month? How has family systems thinking influenced your relationships?
Learn: About how Bowen Family Systems theory understands Family Projection Process.
- Watch - Dr. Bowen's explanation of Family Projection Process ( ~5 min)
- Watch - Dealing with the Problem Child (~28 min)
- Read - We Don't Need Your Help, But Will You Please Fix Our Children
- Look for an example of Family Projection Process in your own family.
- Look for an example of Family Projection Process in your work.
Present: Family of Origin & consider preparing a Case Presentation (pdf & doc) ahead of time and letting Tim know.
Review: Family of origin work ahead of time. Read this Primer on Individual Family of Origin Work. Consider exploring how the Family Projection Process has functioned in your family?
Schedule for the Day:
- Check-In
- Review: Family Projection Process
- Questions?
- Discuss: We Don't Need Your Help, But Will You Please Fix Our Children
Case Presentation?
- Late Lunch ~1 p.m.
- Family of Origin Presentations will be done one on one via zoom. Please schedule yours ahead of time.
April 2, 2020 - (Zoom Gathering)
Think: What do you wish to share with the group during Check-In. You'll have about 15 minutes. What have you been thinking about for the past month? How has family systems thinking influenced your relationships?
Learn: About how Bowen Family Systems theory understands Societal Emotional Process.
Read: Societal Regression and Leadership & Coping With Anxiety in a Pandemic
Watch: Political Reactivity and Self Regulation (~28 min) & Bowen Theory: Addressing Anxiety around the Elections (~4 min)
- In the midst of the Covid-19 Pandemic where do you see evidence of Societal Emotional Process?
- What is your role in the Pandemic Societal Emotional Process?
- What contributes to greater societal anxiety? Consider local and national leaders
- What reduces greater societal anxiety? Consider local and national leaders
Present: Family of Origin & consider preparing a Case Presentation (pdf & doc) ahead of time and letting Tim know.
Review: Family of origin work ahead of time. Read this Primer on Individual Family of Origin Work. Consider exploring how your Nuclear Family Emotional Process has functioned in your family?
Schedule for the Day:
- Check-In
- Review: Societal Emotional Process
- Questions?
- Discuss: Pandemic & the Societal Emotional Process
- Case Presentation?
- Lunch
- Family of Origin Presentations
March 5, 2020
Think: What do you wish to share with the group during Check-In. You'll have about 15 minutes. What have you been thinking about for the past month? How has family systems thinking influenced your relationships?
Learn: About how Bowen Family Systems theory understands Nuclear Family Emotional Process.
Read: Questions One Might Ask Related to: Nuclear Family Emotional Process.
Watch: Adaptive Relationship Patterns in the Nuclear Family (by Bowen) & The Power of Family Process
- Can you identify the four basic relationship patterns in your family of origin?
- Where do you see these patterns at work in your family tree as you go back a generation or two?
- Which pattern was most common in your nuclear family?
- Which pattern is most common in your family of origin?
Present: Family of Origin & consider preparing a Case Presentation (pdf & doc) ahead of time and letting Tim know. Bring 10 copies to distribute for your presentation and collect following the presentation.
Review: Family of origin work ahead of time. Read this Primer on Individual Family of Origin Work. Consider exploring how your Nuclear Family Emotional Process has functioned in your family?
Schedule for the Day:
- Check-In
- Review: Nuclear Family Emotional Process
- Questions?
- Discuss:
- Case Presentation?
- Lunch
- Family of Origin Presentations
February 6, 2020
Think: What do you wish to share with the group during Check-In. You'll have about 15 minutes. What have you been thinking about for the past month? How has family systems thinking influenced your relationships?
Learn: About how Bowen Family Systems theory understands Chronic Anxiety (this is the Atlantic Monthly 1988 article by Kerr about Chronic Anxiety and defining a Self). It's worth a second look.
Read: These articles:
Watch: Consider watching this YouTube video on Chronic Anxiety. In it Michael Kerr discusses Self & Chronic Anxiety.
Consider: preparing a Case Presentation (pdf & doc) ahead of time and letting Tim know. Bring 10 copies to distribute for your presentation and collect following the presentation.
Present: Family of Origin, especially if you were assigned to do so at the last seminar.
Review: Family of origin work ahead of time. Read this Primer on Individual Family of Origin Work. Consider exploring how Depression has functioned in your family?
Schedule for the Day:
- Check-In
- Review: Depression & Chronic Anxiety
- Questions?
- Discuss: Interplay between Depression and Bowen Theory
- Case Presentation?
- Lunch
- Family of Origin Presentations
- Check-In
January 16, 2020 8:30 am-12 noon
Zoom Discussion with Dr. Larry Foster
Topic: Imaging the church of tomorrow: Friedman's discovery of Bowen Theory and how it put together what he was experiencing in his synagogue.
Read: The following articles were recommended by Dr Larry Foster:
- A Sketch of the Bowen-Friedman Axis
- Introduction to the book Generation to Generation by Ed Friedman
- Natural Family Systems Thinking and the Human Family by Dan Papero
Read: Also, consider the following, The Edwin Friedman Model of Family Systems Thinking - This 13 page essay takes the lifework of Friedman and highlights key elements. It's organized into three sections.
- Basic concepts and terminology from family systems thinking that provide a unique perspective on leadership at home and at work.
- An interpretation of Friedman’s work on family systems thinking and its application to leadership.
- Ways leaders can implement the theory.
Consider: Questions for Dr. Foster regarding the Bowen/Friedman axis.
Schedule for the Morning:
- Gather with Brief Check-In
- Introduction of Dr Larry Foster
- Dr Larry Foster presentation
- Questions?
- Discussion
December 5, 2019
Think: What do you wish to share with the group during Check-In. You'll have about 15 minutes. What have you been thinking about for the past month? How has family systems thinking influenced your relationships?
Learn: About Triangles from the Bowen Center or other book.
Read: This article about Triangles: The “Glue” of Bowen Family Systems Theory.
Review: Triangles in the Bush Family.
Consider: preparing a Case Presentation (pdf & doc) ahead of time and letting Tim know. Bring 11 copies to distribute for your presentation and collect following the presentation.
Present: Family of Origin, especially if you were assigned to do so at the last seminar.
Review: Family of origin work ahead of time. Read this Primer on Individual Family of Origin Work. Consider exploring how triangles have functioned in your family?
Schedule for the Day:
- Check-In
- Review: Triangles, the Glue of BFST
- Questions?
- Discuss: Triangles in the Bush Family
- Case Presentation?
- Lunch
- Family of Origin Presentations
November 7, 2019
Think: What do you wish to share with the group during Check-In. You'll have about 15 minutes. What have you been thinking about for the past month? How has family systems thinking influenced your relationships?
Learn: About Differentiation of Self from the Bowen Center or other book. Read Chronic Anxiety and Defining a Self from the Atlantic Monthly September 1988 Issue. (here is shorter summary of the article).
Read: This article about Differentiation of Self: Enhancing Therapist Resilience When Working with Relational Trauma. Focus on the Bowen Family Systems Theory section and the Case presentation, especially the section on Questions for the Therapist.
Consider: preparing a Case Presentation (pdf & doc) ahead of time and letting Tim know. Bring 12 copies to distribute for your presentation and collect following the presentation.
Present: Family of Origin, especially if you were assigned to do so from the last seminar.
Review: Family of origin work ahead of time. Consider exploring how has influenced your family?
Schedule for the Day:
- Check-In
- Review Differentiation of Self
- Questions?
- Discuss: Article on Differentiation of Self: Enhancing Therapist....
- Case Presentation?
- Lunch
- Family of Origin Presentations
October 3, 2019
Topic : Emotional Cutoff
Think: What do you wish to share with the group during Check-In. You'll have about 15 minutes. What have you been thinking about for the past month? How has family systems thinking influenced your relationships?
Learn: About Emotional Cutoff from Andrea Schara in her blog post: #5 Emotional Cutoff
Read: Two blog entries from Programs In Bowen Theory: Emotional Cutoff and Bridging It: A Conversation - Part 1 & Part 2
Consider: preparing a Case Presentation (pdf & doc) ahead of time and letting Tim know. Bring 12 copies to distribute for your presentation and collect following the presentation.
Present: Family of Origin, especially if you were assigned to do so from the last seminar.
Review: Family of origin work ahead of time. Consider exploring how Emotional Cutoff has influenced your family?
Schedule for the Day:
- Check-In
- Review Emotional Cutoff
- Questions?
- Discuss Bridging Emotional Cutoff
- Case Presentation?
- Lunch
- Family of Origin Presentations
September 5, 2019
- Submit: Please fill-out and submit a LMA Seminar Participant Form via email to
- Think ahead: What do you wish to share with the group during Check-In. You'll have about 15-20 minutes. Tell us about: yourself, your job & your job challenges, your family & your family challenges, and your experience with Family Systems Theory. What brought you to this seminar? What are your hopes and expectations?
- Review: Bowen Family Systems Theory this online site will give you a quick summary.
- Consider: buying four books: 1) One Family's Story: A Primer on Bowen Theory, 2) Generation to Generation: Family Process in Church and Synagogue, 3) Friedman's Fables, 4) A Family Genogram Workbook
- Read: PlayBook: Generation to Generation. We'll use this as the basis for our first discussion.
- Consider: preparing a Case Presentation (pdf & doc) ahead of time and letting Tim know. Bring 12 copies to distribute for your presentation and collect following the presentation.
- Present: Family of Origin. Come prepared to draw your family diagram.
Schedule for the Day:
- Check-In
- Review
- Define & Review Family Systems Theory
- Case Presentation?
- Family of Origin Presentations