Are you curious? Looking to make new discoveries? Do you like to find answers for yourself rather than have someone tell you what to think? Has something happened in your life that you are trying to make sense of? Do you know your response matters most?
Experiencing Stress with your spouse? Uncertainty with parents? Children and their problems? Conflict at church? Especially with that one person… And their spouse... Or the Director of Music... Or Youth Ministry... Or the one who’s always been in charge of the kitchen... Or the sacristy... Or the properties... Or the office... Or the synod?
It might be time to challenge the way you think, choose a direction and confidently move toward a goal. This requires emotional maturity, the ability to deal with anxiety, and the desire to manage oneself. In the end, it’s always about you, your functioning, and no one else. Do yourself a favor, choose a direction, learn to grow and manage your anxiety with a well established theory of functioning.